Each photo-frame could be described as a container of light, as a light trap or empty space open to condense the light into the matrix of the binary differences, basis for the ontogenesis of the meaning and sense. Meaning-sense is a principal element of reality, a necessary condition of the existence. Although hyper production of media kitsch forces us to conceive the images as reality-representational, this is a highly vulnerable standpoint. Why? Every single photo is not a finished, limited product, which would merely reflect surrounding reality, but rather a dynamic entity which exists at the crossing between the photographer and the viewer. Moreover it takes rise as a sum of very different dimensions: physical, physiological, psychological, cultural, political and semantic. Ontogenesis of every single photo suppositions the existence of a sensitive surface which can catch and imprison light, but not in a balanced manner. Every frame, except the one being absolutely white or dark, has different levels of light attractiveness, which means that every frame confronts us with a different level of light quantity and quality.
In every frame — square, rectangular or oval, there are countless number of points which at the same time attract or reflect light and provide the origin of meaning-sense.The perception of the quantity and quality of light rests on physiological capabilities to sense the light. But to interpret quality and quantity of light is something absolutely different. For some beings it is probably a mere strategy of a survival, but for the humans it is a matter of psychological, semantic and political production of the reality. Inside human perception light is not a simple physical phenomenon, but a basis for the incarnation of the chain of signifiers, linguistic wefts which synthesize formless reality into the meaningful totality.Spinoza, one of the biggest minds in the history of the Western philosophy said, Omnis determinatio negatio est, Every determination is negation. This law provides us with the insight that identity, primary linguistic element, demands existence of rudimentary binary matrix. Only trough the rudimentary oppositions of affirmation and negation (black and white, emptiness and fullness) things can achieve an ontological status, a minimum trace of existence.
Digital era offers us extraordinary privilege, since through the game of pixels we can gain insight into the relationship between what Lacan called Real, Imaginary and Symbolic. Although reality seems extremely complex, basic opposition between white and black pixels gives us evidence that everything, including time and multidimensional space, rests on simple opposition between determination and negation. In the matrix of binary oppositions all the dimensions of an image, from physical to semantic, coincide. Basic binary opposition is a necessary ontological condition. Problematic ontological status of an image calls into question all the aesthetic judgments and photo competitions. Besides hyper production of images we can lately notice a hyperinflation of photo salons and contests. It is highly symptomatic, we could say ideologically conditioned, to proclaim a photo good or bad. Because photography is a dynamic entity it is never fixed as a static work of art, no matter what photographic rules say. Neither a photographer has a privilege to call him or herself an author or owner of a photo. If we examine ontological status of an image closely, we see that a photographer with his camera only collects the light in the rectangular, square or oval container. Of course he or she always has an intention to impart the specific meaning-sense to the quantity and quality of the captured light. But single signifying chain which would correspond to the specific quantity and quality of light and which would give us solid, objective foundations to our aesthetic judgments does not exist. That means that every viewer with his own interpretation of the quality and quantity of light caught in frame equally cooperates in the production of a photo, although just by looking at it.
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